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有效期:2018-10-16 发布时间:2018-07-16 浏览次数:175



单位所在地: 北京市朝阳区

单位地址: 北京朝阳区光华路SOHO3Q

单位网址: http://www.higo-edu.com/

联系人: 罗建华

简历接收邮箱: luojianhua@higo-edu.com


Higo Education Consulting Co LTD is affiliated with China Education Service Center. We pride ourselves for honing quality study-abroad services to our students in the past decades. Higo is now reaching out to talented individuals to work with us towards driving greater changes. In your position, you will gain first-hand experience of delivering premium counseling to students who seek fine education from American schools. You will also access opportunities to learn from/with seasoned educators and experts, which will take your insights to the next level. Furthermore, you will get to know how cutting-edge academic and extracurricular resources make a difference to students’ application, and it will in return help you explore your own potential.

